Pastor John introduces us to what it means to be a real New Testament church. Have you experienced first century discipleship and leadership? Find out what it looks like and join us in our vision.
Have you sold out for Jesus, forsaking all for His name? Jesus People let nothing in life take them away from their assignment to live for Christ in all circumstances. Find out today if you're a Jesus People.
Are you in a place in life where you could use a fresh start? A word of encouragement? A way out of some mess? God set up a personal encounter with Abram to transform his life. Could it be possible that God desires to personally meet with you too?
Ever feel like you lose focus on why it is we should worship God? Maybe it's because you're view of God has become to small. Listen to But A Portion from Psalm 93 and receive a fresh revelation on just how amazing God is.
Be encouraged today if you are hurting, broken, frustrated with life or struggling with sin, Jesus invites you to His table to receive strength in His presence, faith by revealing His love and power to influence the world.
James and John had the wrong perspective about Jesus and asked for something that could have turned out really bad if there wish was granted. Find out if you've misunderstood Jesus and how it might affect your influence for God's Kingdom in the world around you.