Dream Killers - 10.14.15

Dream Killers - 10.14.15

Missed Wednesday's Message? Have you given up on your dreams? Are you prospering in all you do? Our Youth Program Director, Justin Garcia, walked us through the life of Joseph as he continued us in our Pacesetting Leadership series. Be encouraged to get rid of the "Dream Killers" in your life and follow Jesus into a life of greatness.

Authority, Rebellion and Divine Discipline - 10.7.15

Authority, Rebellion and Divine Discipline - 10.7.15

Missed Wednesday's message? How do you view the leaders in your life? Are you experiencing God's blessing through a proper understanding of Biblical authority? Pastor John delivered a challenging message on understanding and operating within God's authority.

The True Purpose of the Church - 9.30.15

The True Purpose of the Church - 9.30.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John continued in our Pacesetting Leadership series by helping us understand the True Purpose of the Church. Do you know what it is? Be challenged to live differently and get on board with the mission of Bethlehem.

The Principle of Excellence - 9.23.15

The Principle of Excellence - 9.23.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor Will continued in our Pacesetting Leadership Series with and inspiring message on the principle of excellence. Does your life change the atmosphere and environment of everywhere you are? Are you struggling to find significance? Listen in and be encouraged to live a life of excellence.

Breaking Barriers and Overcoming Obstacles - 9.16.15

Breaking Barriers and Overcoming Obstacles - 9.16.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Listen in as Pastor John continues in our Pacesetting Leadership series encouraging us to not give up or give in when we face trials but to trust in God and press forward.

How to Teach Motivationally - 9.9.15

How to Teach Motivationally - 9.9.15

Missed Wednesday Night's message? Pastor John continued in our Pacesetting Leadership series with a powerful message about speaking motivationally. God wants all of us to be able to present Him and His word in an exciting and fresh way. Listen and learn valuable principles to help you do that.

Distress Signals - 9.2.15

Distress Signals - 9.2.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John continued our Leadership Series with a message on stress. Find out if you're life is showing Distress Signals and if so, wht you can do to walk in freedom.

Faith Goals - 8.26.15

Faith Goals - 8.26.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor Will continued in our Pacesetting Leadership series in a message about Faith Goals. Vision is seeing the big picture but Faith Goals are the individual steps too that picture. Many people have big dreams but fail to put a plan in place to reach it. Learn some powerful tools to help accomplish your Faith Goals.

The Dynamic Power of Vision - 8-19-15

The Dynamic Power of Vision - 8-19-15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John continued in our leadership series talking about the Dynamic Power of Vision. Great leaders see what no one else sees and stays the course till they get there. What areas of your life have you losses vision in? Listen in and be encouraged to dream big and watch God do great things.

Renovating Your Mind for Success - 8.12.15

Renovating Your Mind for Success - 8.12.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor Will picked us back up in our leadership series with a study of Romans 12. We learned that if we want true Godly success, we need to allow Christ to renovate our minds so that we can have his mind in all things. Are you thinking with a carnal worldly mind or the mind of Christ? Find out what both are and see how you can achieve Godly success.

Proper Attitudes for Leadership - 7-29.15

Proper Attitudes for Leadership - 7-29.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John continues in our leadership series with a very challenging messaging on attitudes. How we think affects how we live. Sometimes great people never do great things because they let their attitude set the pace of their life instead of having the mind of Christ. Do you struggle with an attitude that hinders your ability to lead? Learn the warning signs an get some practical teaching on how to overcome.

Are You an Authentic or Synthetic Leader? - 7.16.15

Are You an Authentic or Synthetic Leader? - 7.16.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John continues our leadership series with a discussion on Authentic vs Synthetic leadership. Synthetic leaders are unable to produce much like a plastic flower. Real leaders are full of life and reproduce other great leaders. Listen in and find out how to be an Authentic leader.

Prerequisites for a Master Level Leader (Part 2) - 7.8.15

Prerequisites for a Master Level Leader (Part 2) - 7.8.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John continued in our leadership series walking us through what each person must be equipped with to even begin the journey of becoming a Master Level Leader. Listen in and be prepared to be challenged.

Qualities of a Master Level Leader (Part 1) - 7.1.15

Qualities of a Master Level Leader (Part 1) - 7.1.15

Missed Wednesday's message? Pastor John kicked off a new series that you definitely want to take part in. Qualities of a Master Level Leader will equip you to be a great leader in area area of your life. Listen to part one.

Getting Alone With Jesus - 5.27.15

Getting Alone With Jesus - 5.27.15

Missed Wednesday night's message? Do you struggle frequently with feeling disconnected with God? Do you have a desire to walk more closely with him? Listen as Pastor Will not only encourages an intimate life in Christ as our only true source of fulfillment but gives practical steps to ignite your personal life with God.

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